Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Creating Memories

So the other day was Memorial Day and aside from the fact that for obvious reasons this was a very special day, I was going to accomplish some things.

I had decided that I was going to use the day to catch up on the many chores that I have been putting off around the house. Mowing the lawn ( I wonder what it would cost to get astro turf installed so I never have to mow again !!) cleaning the house, laundry etc. I was actually looking forward to getting these things done, because I seem to have fallen behind.

Anyway so here I am sitting there Monday morning staring out of the window and hoping if I stare long enough that perhaps the grass will shrink and I won’t have to mow it after all. Hmm didn’t work !!
Then the phone rings and it is my youngest nephew who has decided, after his brother has gone to spend the day with a friend and his Mum who quite obviously was going to be boring that day that he would like to come live with me. ( hmm I think I will let him move in if he will mow!! ) It only took him a few minutes to sweet talk me into coming and spending the day with him. So I left the chores and spent the day by the pool with my family and some very dear friends.
So what’s my point ? – well Memorial Day to me is not only about remembering those brave men and women that sacrificed but it’s also about creating memories , it’s about taking time to spend with loved ones because these are the moments that make up our life and our memorials.


P.S. I actually mowed really quickly before leaving. Now that just leaves the edging, trimming whew !

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Live, Love, Laugh

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. For those of you who know me, you know that’s not all that out of the ordinary. I do a lot of thinking, perhaps too much sometimes.But I have been thinking of these three simple words, Live, Love, Laugh and what they mean to me.

Live – Always try to remember that how you live your life affects others. Your choices affect your family, your co-workers, the people that you pass on the street. GOD has already predetermined the path that you are on but we get to decide how we travel that path. Do you travel the path as quickly as you can trying to get to the end or do you stroll along taking time to stop and smell the flowers?

Love – it comes in all forms, from the enduring love of a Mother to the unconditional love of a child. The affectionate love for a friend to I love my new shoes ! Websters defines the word in many ways, strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties, the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration. I am not sure which one I “LOVE” best? So I decided I am not going to choose one but all of them. I think the world needs more love and if we all choose to love then the world could become a better place. How can we expect others to love us unless we first choose to love them?

Laugh – They say that laughter is the best medicine. I think not only is it medicine but it needs to be a requirement for living. Maybe we should prescribe it, take at least 3 times a day or as needed. I think it starts with learning how to laugh at yourself and then laughing with others. Maybe if we all laughed a little more the world might be a better place.

So tomorrow when I wake I am going to tell myself “Today I will Live, Love & Laugh “